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Download and Install Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK for Free - No Ads, No Hassle - Version 5.2.96

Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6: A Prayer Times App Without Ads

If you are looking for a reliable and convenient prayer times app that does not have any ads or in-app purchases, you might want to check out Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6. This app is developed by Maviay, a Turkish company that specializes in Islamic apps and software. In this article, we will tell you what Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) is, how to download and install it, why you should choose it over other prayer times apps, and what are the benefits of using it.

What is Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ)?

Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) is a prayer times app that provides accurate and customizable prayer times based on your location, as well as other features such as Quran, Qibla, and Masjid. It is designed for Muslims who want to stay connected to their faith and prayers without any distractions or interruptions from ads or in-app purchases.

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Features of Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ)

Some of the features of Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) are:

  • Accurate prayer times based on your location, with options to adjust the calculation method, the angle of Fajr and Isha, and the daylight saving time.

  • Smart Watch Compatibility, which allows you to view the prayer times on your smart watch.

  • The Holy Quran, with recitations and translations in various languages.

  • Qibla compass, which shows you the direction of Mecca from your location.

  • Automatic mute in Masjids, which silences your phone when you enter a mosque based on your location.

  • Wake up alarm for Sahoor, which helps you wake up for the pre-dawn meal during Ramadan.

  • Reminder fasting Monday to Thursday, which reminds you to fast on these days if you wish.

How to download and install Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6

To download and install Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6, you need to follow these steps:

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  • Go to [this link](^1^), which will take you to the APKCombo website where you can download the APK file of Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ).

  • Click on the "Download APK" button and wait for the file to be downloaded on your device.

  • Once the file is downloaded, open it and tap on "Install". You might need to enable the installation from unknown sources in your device settings.

  • After the installation is complete, you can open the app and enjoy its features.

Why choose Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) over other prayer times apps?

There are many prayer times apps available on the market, but not all of them are as good as Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ). Here are some of the reasons why you should choose Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) over other prayer times apps:

No ads or in-app purchases

One of the main advantages of Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) is that it does not have any ads or in-app purchases. This means that you can use the app without any interruptions or distractions from annoying ads or pop-ups. You also do not have to pay any extra money to unlock any features or content. You can enjoy the full functionality of the app for free.

Accurate and customizable prayer times

Another reason why you should choose Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) is that it provides accurate and customizable prayer times based on your location. You can adjust the calculation method, the angle of Fajr and Isha, and the daylight saving time according to your preference. You can also view the prayer times for different cities and countries, as well as the Hijri calendar and the Islamic events. You can also set reminders and notifications for each prayer time, as well as choose from different azan sounds and voices.

Quran, Qibla, and Masjid features

A third reason why you should choose Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) is that it offers other features that enhance your Islamic experience, such as Quran, Qibla, and Masjid. You can read and listen to the Holy Quran, with recitations and translations in various languages. You can also bookmark your favorite verses and share them with others. You can also use the Qibla compass to find the direction of Mecca from your location. You can also use the Masjid feature to locate nearby mosques, view their details and photos, and get directions to them.

What are the benefits of using Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ)?

Using Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) can bring you many benefits, such as:

Stay connected to your faith and prayers

By using Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ), you can stay connected to your faith and prayers, no matter where you are or what time it is. You can always know when it is time to pray, and how to perform your prayers correctly. You can also enrich your knowledge and understanding of Islam by reading and listening to the Quran, and learning about the Islamic events and history.

Enjoy a smooth and user-friendly interface

Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) has a smooth and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use and navigate. You can access all the features and settings with a few taps, and customize them according to your needs. You can also choose from different themes and colors to personalize your app. The app also supports multiple languages, including English, Turkish, Arabic, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Indonesian, Malay, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, Persian, Kurdish, Bosnian, Albanian, Azerbaijani, Uzbek, Somali, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Filipino, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish.

Support the developer and the Muslim community

By using Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ), you are also supporting the developer and the Muslim community. The developer of this app is Maviay, a Turkish company that specializes in Islamic apps and software. They have been developing high-quality apps for Muslims since 2009. By using their apps, you are helping them continue their work and improve their services. You are also supporting the Muslim community by spreading the word about this app and sharing it with your friends and family.


Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6 is a prayer times app that provides accurate and customizable prayer times based on your location, as well as other features such as Quran, Qibla, and Masjid. It is designed for Muslims who want to stay connected to their faith and prayers without any ads or in-app purchases. It also has a smooth and user-friendly interface that supports multiple languages and themes. By using this app, you can enjoy the benefits of staying connected to your faith and prayers, enjoying a smooth and user-friendly interface, and supporting the developer and the Muslim community. If you want to download and install Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6, you can follow the steps that we have provided in this article.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6:

Q: Is Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6 safe to download and install?

A: Yes, Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6 is safe to download and install. It does not contain any viruses, malware, or spyware. However, you should always download it from a trusted source, such as the APKCombo website that we have linked in this article.

Q: How can I update Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6?

A: You can update Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6 by downloading and installing the latest version from the same source that you downloaded it from. You can also check for updates within the app by going to the settings menu and tapping on "Check for updates".

Q: How can I contact the developer of Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6?

A: You can contact the developer of Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6 by sending an email to or visiting their website at You can also follow them on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

Q: How can I share my feedback or suggestions about Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6?

A: You can share your feedback or suggestions about Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6 by rating and reviewing the app on the Google Play Store or the App Store. You can also send your feedback or suggestions to the developer via email or social media.

Q: How can I support the developer of Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6?

A: You can support the developer of Ezan Vakti Pro (REKLAMSIZ) APK 5.2 6 by using their app regularly and sharing it with your friends and family. You can also donate to them via PayPal or Patreon, or buy their other apps such as Quran Majeed Pro, Hadith Collection Pro, Islamic Calendar Pro, etc. 44f88ac181

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